Agilent Makes GC-Related Acquisition

The acquisition provides Agilent with an important technology advantage for its GCs. Founded in 1993, RVM is based in Santa Barbara, California, with seven employees. The company provides systems directly and as an OEM supplier. On its website, RVM lists LECO and Gerstel as offering its technology on their systems.

Santa Clara, CA 6/18/08—Agilent Technologies has acquired RVM Scientific, a manufacturer of direct heating/cooling systems for GC capillary columns. Financial terms were not disclosed. RVM’s Low Thermal Mass technology enables rapid and efficient heating or cooling of GC columns for reduced cycle times and is currently used with Agilent’s GC systems. Robert Mustacich, president and founder of RVM Scientific, will join Agilent in an R&D capacity. “This acquisition is a natural fit and demonstrates Agilent’s commitment to creating major advances in GC,” said Shanya Kane, Agilent vice president and general manager of Gas Chromatography Systems. “Agilent can now expand the reach of this technology to customers worldwide, while providing total system support utilizing Agilent’s extensive worldwide GC and GC/MS support network.”

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