
Brazil: From 2000 to 2006, the Brazilian government’s investment in nanotechnology research amounted to BRL 170.2 million ($81.5 million). Current funding includes BRL 58.6 million for the 2005–2009 National Nanotechnology Program and BRL 215 million for Millennium institutes and microelectronics research. Nanotech research in Brazil is almost entirely publicly funded and is organized by networks based on specific themes, such as nanophotonics, molecular nanotech and carbon nanotubes. Ten nanotech research networks have been funded between 2005 and 2008. The number of nanotech research projects totaled 106 at the end of 2006, 50 of which focused on basic research and 46 of which involved private companies. In addition to basic research, projects are also focused on agribusiness, health, textiles, cosmetics, energy and the environment. The largest research infrastructures for nanotech include the National Laboratory of Synchrotron light (LNLS), the INMETRO metrology institute, Brazilian Physics Research Center (CBPF) and the EMBRAPA center for agricultural research.

Source: NanoforumEULA

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