Earlier this month, the Canadian government announced CAD 75 million ($69 million) in funding over three years for food safety, building upon last year’s $113 million investment. To improve the detection of foodborne-illness risks, a national public health surveillance system will be implemented. In addition, the country’s existing lab network will be strengthened and the country will move closer to a national lab network. Improved methods for detecting Listeria monocytogenes and other microbial hazards will be developed, as will new diagnostic tools for tracing the origins of food hazards. Among the actions to be taken to prevent risks to food safety are the hiring of an additional 70 meat inspectors and a review of the Compliance Verification System. To improve the response to foodborne illness emergencies, a 24/7 health risk assessment team will be made available, and protocols, best practices and communication materials will be reviewed.
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency