China’s stimulus plans are accelerating growth in the R&D and technology sectors. Cong Cao of the Levin Graduate Institute of International Relations and Commerce at the State University of New York estimates that CNY 1.4 billion ($205.2 million) of the stimulus plan’s science and technology funding will be used for the country’s Medium- and Long-term National Plan for Science and Technology Development 2006–2020. Of the three five-year plans that make up the Plan, the current plan runs from 2006 to 2010. Dr. Cao and Denis Simon of Pennsylvania State University expect the Plan’s funding, including the stimulus funds, to help establish scientific infrastructure, particularly new labs with the latest lab equipment. Dr. Simon stated that the new labs will target five fields: new energy, environmental technologies, life science and biotechnology, nanotechnology and new materials, and information communication technology.
Source: Science|Business