Electrochemistry: Product Introductions
Thermo Fisher Scientific introduced the Orion 2-Star benchtop pH meter and the Orion 5-Star Meter. Siemens Water Technologies launched the Total-Check 900 In-Line TOC Monitor for laboratory applications. Mettler-Toledo introduced the SevenGo handheld meters, consisting of five models, for measuring pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. Mettler-Toledo released the FiveEasy bench meters for pH and conductivity measurements. Hach Ultra introduced the Polymetron 9123 online pH meter for the power industry. Teledyne Tekmar launched the Fusion TOC Analyzer, which utilizes static pressure concentration detection. WTW, a Nova Analytics company, released the spectroFlex 6100 and 6600 spectrophotometers. SCHOTT Instruments, a Nova Analytics company, introduced the ProLab 3000 and 4000 pH meters, featuring integrated PCs.