
France has selected the 10 project locations that will receive increased funding as part of President Sarkozy’s Operation Campus plan to raise the international visibility and status of French universities. In total, the projects encompass 39 universities, 17 schools and 650,000 studies. The projects are located in: Bordeaux, involving the Center Research and Higher Education at the University of Bordeaux; Grenoble, involving four universities and the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble; Lyon, involving the University of Lyon’s Center Research and Higher Education; Montpellier, including the Montpellier Universities I, II and III; Strasbourg, centered on the Strasbourg Universities I, II and III; Toulouse, involving the city’s Center Research and Higher Education; Aix-Marseilles, at Aix-Marseilles University’s Center Research and Higher Education; Paris-Aubervilliers, involving several universities and schools; and Saclay, involving higher education institutions and organizations. Source: French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

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