Company Announcements

MyDx signed an exclusive patent sublicense agreement in May with Next Dimension Technologies for chemical sensing technology.

In June, Techcomp named Hitachi High-Tech Science as a distributor for its Scion GC and GC/MS products in Japan.

Product Introductions

Restek released a new GC-MS/MS pesticide reference standards kit, containing over 200 compounds.

Restek launched the Rxi-1301Sil MS GC column, a silarylene-based cyano stationary phase column with high thermal stability.

MyDx launched the handheld MyDx Analyzer with the CannaDx sensor and app, designed for consumers.

Sales/Orders of Note

In June, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency awarded 908 Devices a contract valued up to $11.5 million for the development of a lightweight GC/MS chemical-detection device. The company will subcontract with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and other commercial entities and national labs.

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