
As part of the new Framework Program for Research and Innovation, the German government is helping foster the microelectronics sector in Germany. Through this program, the government is also helping support the European Commission’s Strategy for Micro- and Nanoelectronic Components and Systems, established in 2013. The Program targets small, medium and large companies in the microelectronics sector, as well as other related industries, to help further grow the semiconductor and IoT industry. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is providing up to €400 million ($455.3 million) for the Program through 2020.

Hardware, integrated circuits and sensors are some of the components that provide microelectronic chips with as many functionalities as possible. To continue innovation in this field, the Program lays out five strategic research goals: developing electronics systems equipped with a multitude of functionalities, such as network capability, reliability and energy efficiency, all while working towards further miniaturization of chips; creating new approaches in power electronics for efficient energy utilization; developing computer algorithms and simulations in order to design complex chips; developing new efficient chip manufacturing capabilities; and strengthening existing chip-based security.

Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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