
The Obama administration announced this month $80 million in new funding for Alzheimer’s disease research, adding to the $450 million the NIH currently spends. The NIH will receive $50 million in reallocated money for fiscal 2012, half of which will go to sequencing centers funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute to sequence the genomes and exomes of Alzheimer’s patients. The other half of the money will go toward projects that have been reviewed but not funded and which will be submitted by NIH institutes for review. The National Institute of Aging currently funds 70% of the NIH budget for Alzheimer’s research. The administration also pledged $80 million in new money for researching the disease in fiscal 2013. Signed into law last year, the National Alzheimer’s Research Project Act requires that an advisory council coordinate the federal government’s Alzheimer’s research.

Source: Nature News

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