Bt cotton, which has been genetically modified for protection against insects, is the only biotech crop approved for commercial cultivation in India. This year, land on which Bt cotton is grown reached 70% of the total area for cotton growing in India. Agriculture biotechnology revenue made up 11% of Indian biotech industry revenue during fiscal year 2006 (April 2006–March 2007). Export revenue from agriculture biotechnology in fiscal 2006 reached $11.6 million, up 45% from the previous fiscal year. In June, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee approved the importing of soybean oil made from Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soybeans. However, the Supreme Court of India has placed a number of restrictions on field trials for new biotech crops, and a number of groups have been campaigning against the use of biotechnology crops in India. Bt brinjal (eggplant) is the next biotech crop being considered for approval, and would be India’s first biotech food crop.
Source: USDA Foreign Agriculture Service