India: India’s clinical trials and research market is expected to increase to $1.5–$2 billion by 2010. In 2006, the market grew over 65%, and is currently worth approximately $300 million. Of the 139 clinical trials outsourced to the country, GlaxoSmithKline and Johnson&Johnson outsourced 22 trials each, Eli Lilly and Bristol-Myers Squibb outsourced 17 each, and Pfizer outsourced 16 trials. Among outsourced trials, 65% are phase III, 16% are phase II, 15% are phase IV, and 4% are phase I. A major draw for foreign companies is that clinical trials cost 20% to 60% less than in industrialized countries due to lower wages and patient costs. India’s intellectual property laws, framework for conducting clinical trials, genetic diversity, and high-quality hospitals are also attractive to companies. A major problem the country currently faces for clinical trials is that its laboratories’ accreditation is not recognized internationally and it is not cost effective to seek accreditation from foreign organizations. Other roadblocks include a weak regulatory infrastructure and a developing shortage in auxiliary staff, such as trial investigators and auditors.
Source: India Planning Commission