India’s 2009–2010 Budget Embraces R&D
India’s 2009–2010 budget, finalized on July 29, shows a continuing commitment to funding science and technology. The country’s Ministry of Science and Technology, which is in charge of much of the government’s R&D spending, received a 13.6% budget increase to INR 4125 crore ($843.6 million). In addition, infrastructure spending by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers’ Department of Pharmaceuticals and large increases in university infrastructure funding will help fuel R&D spending and laboratory development.
The country’s INR 3,25,159 crore ($66.8 billion) 2009–2010 “Plan” budget is a 33.6% increase from the previous year. “Plan” government spending is the Ministries’ spending outlined in India’s Five-Year Plan (see IBO 3/31/08). “Non-Plan” expenditure is government spending not included in the Five-Year Plan, including interest payments and pension charges. The Ministry of Science and Technology, with a total (“Plan” and “Non-Plan”) budget of INR 5848 crore ($1,195 million), increased its budget for all three of its Departments (see graph, pg. 3).
Dept. of Biotechnology
Thirty-four percent of the Department of Biotechnology’s INR 1000 crore ($204.5 million) in funding will go toward supporting R&D. As a part of this funding, the Department has announced new priorities, many of which target agriculture biotechnology research. These new priorities include plant development, wheat genome sequencing and a program for nutritional improvement of vegetable crops.
The Department of Biotechnology’s funding will also support 12 autonomous R&D institutions (see table). Projects include a new neural stem cell research program involving basic and translational research at the National Brain Research Center in Manesar, and the establishment of centers for cell and tissue engineering, and a center for immunotherapeutics headed by the National Center for Cell Science in Pune. The newest autonomous R&D institution, approved by India’s Union Cabinet in February, is the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics at Kalyani. The institution will conduct advanced biomedical genomics research and provide infrastructure for genomic and proteomic research. Although declining 20%, the INR 20 crore ($4.1 million), the biotechnology facilities budget for the Department will support the creation of new facilities for the testing and validation of genetically modified plants, drugs and pharmaceuticals.
Dept. of Science and Technology
Much of the Department of Science and Technology’s budget will go to its 24 autonomous institutions and professional bodies (see table). The Department also heads the country’s National Mission on Nano Science and Nano Technology (see IBO 4/30/06). This year’s priorities for the program include research on nano-electronics and nano-photonics, as well as the creation of nano-device based sensors and controlled and targeted drug delivery systems.
Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (which accounts for 96% of the Department’s spending), received a 12.5% boost in its budget to INR 1300 crore ($265.9 million). Of this amount, INR 1085 crore ($221.9 million) was for the country’s National Laboratory scheme, consisting of 37 National Laboratories and 38 field centers. In addition to this allowance, the National Laboratory Program received INR 722 crore ($147.7 million) in “Non-Plan” spending for a total budget of INR 1807 crore ($369.6 million), a 26% increase. A new Institute of Translational Research in Hyderabad will be constructed by 2011, and received INR 5 crore ($1.0 million). The facility will help translate biological research into clinical care, develop methods for personalized medicine, and create diagnostic markers and tools.
Other Depts.
The Ministry of Human Resources’ budget includes a provision of INR 400 crore ($82.1 million), an enormous 700% increase, for the establishment of two new Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in Indore and Mandi. This funding will also support six established IITs. India’s Polytechnics universities received INR 400 crore ($81.8 million) for facility upgrades and expansions. Funding is also designated for the creation of new Polytechnics, but no details were available.
Another Ministry that will benefit from new R&D spending is the Ministry of Agriculture. The 2009–2010 budget for the Ministry’s Department of Agricultural Research and Education remained unchanged at INR 1760 crore ($361.3 million), but INR 252 crore ($51.7 million) was allotted to the National Agricultural Innovation Project. In cooperation with the World Bank, the Project supports several R&D projects, including the study of genetic resources and bioprocessing.
Created this year within the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the Department of Pharmaceuticals received an initial budget of INR 155 crore ($31.8 million). The Department handles pharmaceutical issues not covered by other Departments, including building infrastructure and the promotion of basic and applied research by the pharmaceutical sector. The Department will also oversee the creation of six new institutes for pharmaceutical education and research in Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Rae Bareli, Hyderabad, Hajipur and Guwahati, at a cost of INR 57.7 crore ($10.3 million).
Selected Funding for India Dept. of Biotechnology, 2009–2010
Cr. Rupees($US M) % Chg.
Autonomous R&D Institutions 279.1 ($57.2) 14.5%
Assistance to Other Scientific Bodies
Bioinformatics 35.0 ($7.2) 9.38%
Research and Development 340.9 ($69.9) 17.9%
Grand Challenge Programs 40.0 ($8.2) -11.1%
Biotech Facilities 20.0 ($4.1) -20.0%
Dept. of Biotechnology Total 1000 ($205.1) 13.8%
Selected 2009–2010 Funding for IndiaDepartment of Science and Technology and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Cr. Rupees($US M) % Chg.
Dept. of Science and Technology 1775 ($364.1) 13.8%
Autonomous Institutions & Prof. Bodies 536 ($109.9) 20.6%
Sci. and Eng. Research Council 535 ($109.7) 28.8%
Drugs and Pharma. Rsch. 30 ($6.2) -25.0%
Nat’l Mission on Nano. Sci. & Nano. Tech. 130 ($26.7) -10.3%
Mega Facilities for Basic Rsch. 40 ($8.2) 100.0%
Dept. Of Scientific and Indus. Rsch. 1350 ($276.9) 12.5%
National Labs. 1085 ($222.5) 13.0%
Chart: Budget for the Departments of India’s Ministry of Science and Technology
2007–2008 2008–2009 2009–2010
Dept. of Sci. and Tech. 1526 1530 1775
Dept. of Scientific and Indus. Rsch. 1070 1200 1350
Dept. of Biotech 675 900 1000