
Company Announcements

AstraZeneca announced in November 2015 a five-year collaboration with Genedata to speed up data sharing. AstraZeneca will share the collaboration platform software with early-stage partners.

In January, Schrödinger announced a research collaboration agreement with Pfizer to develop a computational model for predicting key properties relevant to biotherapeutic candidates.

Qlucore named Genomax as a Malaysian distributor.

MediSapiens became a partner in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine, headed by the Competence Centre of Health Technologies of Estonia.

Finland’s Auria Biobank and BC Platforms formed a partnership to implement and develop a genomic data management system.

Product Introductions

Wiley introduced in fall 2015 ChemPlanner 1.0, a predictive software tool that integrates computer-aided synthesis design capabilities with reaction mining approaches for synthesis planning.

PerkinElmer launched Signals for Translational, a cloud-based data management, aggregation and analysis platform for pharmaceutical researchers. It integrates experimental and clinical research data from many sources, and relates the data to scientifically meaningful concepts. It enables support for the complete precision medicine workflow.

PerkinElmer released in December 2015 its Clinical Data Review analytical solution, which leverages TIBCO Spotfire to optimize clinical data analysis, allowing for identification of unknown relationships in data.

PerkinElmer, through a strategic collaboration with Attivio, launched PerkinElmer Signals Perspectives, which provides scientists with a true 360° view of relevant information to accelerate research. Attivio identifies information and unifies disparate sources into a data model for provision to TIBCO Spotfire.

Certara released Simcyp Population-based Simulator 15, which now includes a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for antibody drug conjugates.

SAP launched the SAP Foundation for Health and the SAP Medical Research Insights solutions, both built on the SAP HANA platform. The new solutions facilitate data integration, and provide real-time analysis and reporting.

Titian launched Mosaic SampleBank for sample management best practices. It encapsulates key modules of Titian’s Mosaic software in a preconfigured format allowing simple, efficient start-up.

Sales/Orders of Note

ACD/Labs announced in January the attainment of 500 customers in the APAC region (excluding Japan).

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