Company Announcements
DNAnexus secured $15 million in October 2011 in second round funding led by Google Ventures and TPG Biotech. The company also entered into a technology collaboration with Google to provide an archive of publicly available DNA data through a Sequence Read Archive site hosted by Google Cloud Storage.
Elsevier and PerkinElmer in November 2011 announced interoperability for their respective Reaxys and E-Notebook software.
In November 2011, Agilent and the Agilent Technologies Foundation awarded Dr. Chris Evelo of Maastricht University’s Department of Bioinformatics an Agilent Thought Leader Award supporting the development of software to integrate different types of biological data.
In December 2011, the American Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts Service entered into a long-term collaboration with InfoChem.
Product Introductions
LabLogic Systems introduced in October 2011 Debra LIMS 6 for drug metabolism studies, featuring a redesigned user interface.
In October 2011, ACD/Labs released ACD/Percepta software for in silico ADME/Tox and physicochemical property prediction, which offers over 25 parameters and is available as three components: Percepta Predictors, Percepta Profilers and Structure Design Engine.
CSols released Preplab to organize and streamline the preparation of solid and liquid samples for lab analysis.
Genedata launched the Biologics 2.0 enterprise data management solution, featuring new protein-production modules.
Genedata introduced Expressionist 7.0 for Genomic Profiling for the simultaneous analysis of transcriptomics, copy number variation, variant and DNA methylation data from a large number of cancer cell lines.
Cresset released FieldStere 3.0 bioisostere replacement tools, which allow researchers using fragment-based drug discovery protocols to grow initial leads computationally.
In November 2011, Knome launched the KnomeBASE informatics service for the annotation, comparison and distillation of raw sequence data. Users also receive a suite of software tools, scripts and libraries.
Accelrys released Materials Studio 6.0 modeling and simulation environment, featuring a new Density Functional Based Tight Binding module.
BioData launched the Labguru research management tool for academic labs. It is free for individual use.
In December 2011, Symyx introduced out-of-the-box workflow orchestration and analysis capabilities for its Enterprise Lab Management software.
RURO introduced Sciency Electronic Lab Notebook 3.0, featuring a new look and feel.