Informatics: Company Announcements

Quality Systems International opened a French office in Cergy Pontoise.

Integromics established a US office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Metamatics changed its name to Torrey Path.

Compendia Bioscience named cofounder Dan Rhodes, PhD, CEO in October 2007.

Thermo Fisher Scientific launched the CARES (Customer Allegiance through Responsive, Excellent Service) Initiative, an internal process improvement initiative for its LIMS business.

Thermo Fisher Scientific named Controval CA its informatics distributor for Venezuela and the Caribbean.

GeneLogics partnered with London Genetics, a company set up to manage partnerships between the health care industry and centers of biomedical excellence in London, UK.

HP and the Center for the Advancement of Genomics formed an R&D collaboration.

Nonlinear Dynamics appointed SCRUM as its Japanese distributor.

VizX named John Thompson CEO in November 2007.

Synamatix will collaborate with the Emory University School of Medicine to analyze small RNAs generated from mouse brain cognitive disease studies.

New Zealand firm Cartesian Gridspeed joined Microsoft’s Bio IT Alliance.

Genedata is collaborating with Tokyo Medical University, AMR and Leica Microsystems in a proteomics research initiative to identify metastatic biomarkers.

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