
The Taoiseach, Brian Cowen TD, announced in July a €359 million ($462 million) investment plan for research and innovation, which aims to strengthen links between research institutions and industry. The government’s Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions (PRTLI) invests in physical infrastructure and research projects at higher education institutions. The plan, Cycle 5 of the PRTLI, will run from 2011 and 2016 and is the largest investment in research in the history of Ireland. The government will be responsible for €296.1 million and the remaining €62.6 million will come from private sources. Construction work under Cycle 5 will provide more than 64,000 sq/m of research space on higher education campuses. The investments consist of approximately €53 million ($68 million) for capacity development in environment, marine and sustainable energy; €66 million ($85 million) for capacity development in material sciences and platform technology; and €204 million ($262.5 million) for capacity development in bioscience, translational research and biomedical research.

Source: Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation

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