Science and technology (S&T) funding in Japan’s fiscal 2009 economic stimulus package totaled ¥1,346.5 billion ($13.5 billion), approximately 10% of the stimulus package. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) received 49% of the funding. Of this amount, ¥300 billion will be allocated to a special fund run by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The JSPS plans to spend ¥280 billion of this amount to create 30 “world-class” research centers, with each center receiving ¥5 billion over five years. The remaining ¥30 billion would go to support young researchers. Other MEXT projects receiving funds include: ¥69.5 billion to support government-academic-industry research centers; ¥10 billion for regenerative medicine; and ¥5 billion for centers developing environmental technology. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry received 26% of S&T stimulus funding, including ¥31 billion for nanotechnology, storage battery and solar panel R&D facilities and ¥3 billion for biomass projects. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare received ¥230.7 billion, of which ¥127.9 billion is for the development and production of flu vaccines; ¥75.3 billion is for developing drugs for cancer and children’s diseases; and ¥12 million is for funding medical centers addressing national health issues.
Source: NSF Office Tokyo