LC-MS & MS: Company Announcements

Shimadzu China and GL Sciences established a 70-30 joint venture to market and sell their parts, consumables and supplies for sample pretreatment in China. Operations commenced October 1 with 12 employees and projected sales of ¥1 billion ($8.2 million) by fiscal 2010. Advion BioSystems acquired NanoTek, a microfluidic chemistry solutions company, in August. NanoTek President Joe Matteo will serve as president of Advion’s Accelerated Chemistry Division. Advion intend to provide a complete chemistry and analytic approach for imaging diagnostics, drug discovery and biomarker research. Proxeon and Matrix Science announced a product integration and comarketing collaboration. Geneva Bioinformatics SA integrated its Phenyx MS data anlaysis software with Proteome Software’s Scaffold proteomics meta-analysis software. Geneva Bioinformatics SA integrated Phenyx MS data analysis software with the Institute for Systems Biology’s Trans Proteomic Pipeline analysis platforms. In September, Waters signed a joint cooperative agreement with Lambda Therapeutic Research, an Indian clinical research organization. Thermo Fisher Scientific will distribute Phytronix Technologies’ LDTD (laser diode thermal desorption technology) ionization technology for MS. Agilent will comarket its Agilent 6410 triple quadrupole MS with BioTrove’s RapidFire high-throughput sample preparation systems for use with in vitro biological assays in pharmaceutical drug research.

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