Life Science Consumables

Company Announcements

Millipore will exclusively develop and sell Luminex bead-based multiplex immunoassays to measure Proteome Sciences’ Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers and other cognitive function disorders for research applications.

Under a comarketing agreement, Millipore became the distributor of BioTime subsidiary Embryome Sciences’ ACTCellerate human progenitor cell lines.

Lifecore Biomedical agreed to distribute Hyalose’s line of hyaluroanan research tools.

Novus BioLogicals licensed rights to Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Thermo Scientific DyLight Fluorescent Dyes in combination with its line of antibodies.

Fluorotechnics appointed Lars Utterman to its Board in August. He is CEO of IonGate Biosciences.

Olink Bioscience named two new distributors: Immuno Diagnostic for Finland and Genetix Biotech Asia for India and Southeast Asia.

Product Introductions

BD Biosciences launched a line of BD PureCoat cell culture surfaces for improved cell attachment, increased proliferation and enhanced recovery from freeze-thaw.

GE Healthcare Life Science introduced the Biotin CAPture Kit for its Biacore systems for reversible capture of biotinylated molecules to the Sensor Chip CAP.

GE Healthcare Life Science launched the Mag Sepharose magnetic beads for the efficient capture and selective enrichment of proteins and peptides.

VisEn Medical released the Cat-K FAST imaging agent for real time imaging of Cathepsin K activity.

In July, the WiCell Research Institute and Waisman Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility released cGMP feeder-independent pluripotent stem cell banks.

Life Sensors introduced the CHOP2 Reporter assay kits for deubiquitylases, which were developed by and licensed from Progenra.

Waters launched the MassTrak Immunosuppressants SE Research Use Only Kits for quantitative measurement of Tacrolimus, Sirolimus, Everolimus and Cyclosporin A, designed for use with the ACQUITY TQD.

Thermo Fisher Scientific launched the Thermo Scientific Sera-Mag SpeedBeads Streptavidin-Blocked particles for very low non-specific binding.

Millipore released three new MilliTrace stem cell lines, which express GFP under the control of various embryonic and neural stem cell markers.

Invitrogen Life Technologies released the Luminex xMAP-based PlexMark 3 Renal Biomarker Panel Assay for performing kidney-transplantation immune response and tolerance studies.

EMD Chemicals introduced the InhibitorSelect 96-well Protein Kinase Inhibitor Library III.

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