Life Science Consumables
Company Announcements In June, LifeSpan BioScience announced plans to release 20,000 immunohistochemistry-validated reagent antibodies over the next four years. It currently offers 37,000 reagent antibodies. Embryome Sciences entered into a manufacturing and distribution agreement with Lifeline Cell Technology to produce standardized human and animal progenitor cell lines and corresponding reagents. Embryome Sciences acquired an exclusive license to Advanced Cell Technology’s ACTCellerate embryonic stem cell technology and cell lines in July. Calypte Biomedical introduced the Calypte Life Sciences product line of recombinant proteins, antigens, and proprietary reagents and buffers as well as other specialty products for immunodiagnostic assay systems. Invitrogen and the Génome Québec and Montreal Health Institute announced a collaboration to develop methodologies and reagents for targeted medical resequencing for pharmacogenomic research. In July, Sigma-Aldrich partnered with India’s Metahelix Life Sciences to develop applications data for its plant bioscience product line and for technological guidance. In July, Lonza became the exclusive distributor of Bar Harbor BioTechnology’s StellARray Gene Expression Systems products. Roche Applied Science launched the Roche Prime Supply Program, an on-site stocking program, in July. Lonza Bioscience’s sales for the half year ended June 30 rose 7.0% to CHF 107 million ($93.5 million) (see page 12). Cell Discovery and Molecular Biology sales were slightly below target levels due to greater competition in Europe. SuperArray Bioscience changed its name to SABiosciences in July. Product Introductions BlueGnome extended its BlueFISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) library to include 26,000 prelabelled FISH probes, giving genome-wide coverage. Millipore released MilliTrace primary rodent neural stem cell lines that express green fluorescent protein constitutively. Invitrogen introduced the MembraneMax Protein Expression Kits. Thermo Fisher Scientific introduced Thermo Scientific HyClone SFM4CHO-A, a serum-free media for adherent CHO cells. Thermo Fisher Scientific released the Thermo Scientific HyClone AdvanceSTEM Amniotic Epithelial Expansion Kit and Human Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells. GE Healthcare launched the DIGE Trail Pack for protein labeling. Norgen Biotek released four kits for the purification of RNA and DNA from plants and fungi.