Liquid Chromatography
Company Announcements
Waters announced in January it made a $6 million payment for damages and fees, following a French appeals court’s upholding of a ruling that the company had infringed a patent held by Agilent Technologies GmbH. Waters is appealing the decision.
Tosoh Bioscience NV, the Belgium-based European sales and distribution arm of Tosoh Bioscience, will become the parent company for European operations and will be renamed Tosoh Europe NV. Tosoh Europe will have consolidated revenues of €100 million ($131 million) and 170 employees.
Novasep Process named Antoine Baule president in April. He replaces Erwin Heren who remains COO.
Product Introductions
Semba Biosciences introduced the Semba Octave Chromatography System, a small, affordable, benchtop simulated moving bed chromatography system for research and preparative-scale molecular purification.
Metrohm released the 883 Basic IC plus, an entry-level IC system with completely automated operation.
Metrohm introduced the 871 Bioscan with pulsed amperometric detection for glycobiology research.
Macherey-Nagel launched the NUCLEODUR HILIC (Hydrophilic Interaction LIquid Chromatography) column, available in particle sizes 3 µm and 5 µm.
Merck KGaA Separation Products introduced Kromasil Eternity, a new organosilane grafted silica with high chemical stability in a wide pH range.
DataApex introduced a control driver for evaporative light scattering directors from SofTA.
Dionex released the Acclaim Trinity P1 column line for the separation of active pharmaceutical ingredients and their respective counterions. It is based on Nanopolymer Silica Hybrid technology.
Sigma-Aldrich Supelco added nano and capillary dimensions to its Ascentis Express HPLC column line.
Sigma-Aldrich Supleco introduced chiral column–screening and enantiomer purification services.
ESA Biosciences launched the Corona ultra charged aerosol detector for UHPLC.
Waters and ESA Biosciences announced ESA Corona CAD HPLC detector control in Waters Empower 2 Chromatography Data Software.
Waters launched the ACQUITY UPLC BEH Glycan Columns for the characterization of 2-AB labeled glycans from glycoproteins.
Agilent introduced the ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Definition columns with 1.8 µm particle size, featuring stability up to 1200 bar for use with the 1290 Infinity LC (see IBO 6/15/09).
GE Healthcare released six new HiScreen LC columns prepacked with BioProcess media.