Liquid Chromatography
Company Announcements
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments is now distributing SEDERE’s SEDEX 80LT and SEDEX 85LT evaporation light scattering detectors in the US.
In September, Thermo Fisher Scientific opened a 12,000-square-foot facility in Reinach, Switzerland, which consolidates the Flux Instruments and Spectronex product lines.
In December, MIP Technologies AB entered into a collaboration with sanofi-aventis to develop new molecularly-imprinted polymers for the analysis of pharmacologically active peptides from plasma samples.
Product Introductions
Novasep introduced the Tangential Flow-Filtration Sius cassette, its first presanitized, single-use cassette for the downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals.
In September, Agilent released the polymer-based Bio-Monolith HPLC columns for QA/QC and process monitoring of bio-molecules.
GE Healthcare launched AxiChrom columns, which are available with diameters from 50 mm to 1000 mm. They feature an improved design for easy maintenance, preprogrammed methods and a method wizard for packing.
GE Healthcare released the HiPrep Sephacryl S-400 HR and HiPrep Sephacryl S-500 HR prepacked gel-filtration columns, available in two sizes, for purification of large proteins, polysaccharides and macromolecules with extended structure in lab and industrial-scale applications.
In November, GE Healthcare, in collaboration with BAC BV, introduced four new custom-designed BioProcess affinity chromatography media for industrial-scale purifications. The media is based on the use of immobilized single-chain antibody fragments as chromatography ligands.
In December, GE Healthcare launched the ÄKTAready LC system designed for process scale-up and production for phase I–III drug development and full-scale production. It features the disposable ReadyToProcess Flow Kit, including sensors and detection flow cells.
In October, PerkinElmer introduced the Series 275 HRes Photo Diode Array LC System for improved peak identification and increased throughput.
Phenomenex released 150 mm and 250 mm length columns as part of its AXIA line for preparative chromatography, allowing end-users to triple their sample load.
In December, Phenomenex introduced a new line of supercritical fluid chromatography–certified columns, representing Luna HILIC media, Synergi Polar-RP media and the new Lux chiral phases.
Eksigent introduced the ExpressHT-Ultra HPLC system, which provides short cycle times and high throughput for LC/MS studies of pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism. It runs at a maximum pressure of 10,000 psi and employs columns of 1 mm or smaller.