Nucleic Acid Amplification

Company Announcements

Monsanto is developing field tests for biotech crops using TwistDx’s Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) technology.

BioTrove announced a collaboration with the FDA to investigate the use of its OpenArray Standardized NanoArray PCR (SNAP) gene expression profiling system for detection of pathogens in the US’s blood supply.

In September, QIAGEN acquired additional licenses from Roche and Idaho Technology related to PCR reagents and instruments for diagnostics and high resolution melting curve analysis (HRM).

Product Introductions

Tosoh Bioscience launched the TRCRapid-160, which combines a TRC (transcription-reverse transcription concerted) reaction and INAF (intercalation activating fluorescence) probe for shorter reaction times.

Bio-Rad Laboratories introduced Precision Melt Analysis software for its CFX96 and CFX384 real time PCR systems.

Bio-Rad announced the exclusive availability of Biogazelle’s qbasePLUS, qPCR data analysis software for its CFX96 and CFX384 real time PCR systems.

Applied Biosystems released six predesigned TaqMan Protein Expression Assays for the quantification of proteins in human cell samples.

In September, Applied Biosystems introduced MeltDoctor HRM Reagents.

Integrated DNA Technologies launched three new PrimeTime qPCR assays: Mini (100 reactions), Standard (500 reactions) and XL (2500 reactions).

TwistDx introduced four TwistAmp DNA amplification kits based on its RPA technology and the Twista portable fluorometer for detection of DNA in a mixed sample in 10–15 minutes.

Esco introduced its second-generation thermal cyclers, the Swift MaxPro and Swift MiniPro, which offer five interchangeable blocks.

In July, BioTorve launched its first Mouse Pathways panels for its OpenArray Real-Time qPCR System.

Idaho Technology released software 3.0 for its R.A.P.I.D. LT Food Security System, calling it the first food testing solution that provides both PCR and HRM.

In August, Eurofins MWG Operon launched the QuickProbe qPCR probes for life science companies and academic research institutes in the Americas.

In September, QIAGEN introduced the Type-it HRM PCR Kit and Rotor-Gene ScreenClust HRM Software.

NuGEN Technologies launched the Ovation WGA (Whole Genome Amplification) System for DNA amplification using Single Primer Isothermal Amplification.

Roche launched the RealTime ready Configurator online portal for custom qPCR assays.

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