According to a survey and analysis by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), investment in innovation and long-term growth is a priority of OECD nations’ economic stimulus packages. Such investments can be grouped into five themes: infrastructure improvements; R&D, science and innovation support; education and human-capital investments; investment and promotion of green technologies; and support for small business and entrepreneurship. Based on 2008 GDP, the financial weight of four long-term policies (infrastructure; science, R&D and innovation; education; green technology) in 12 countries’ stimulus packages were compared. Of the four policy areas, infrastructure received the highest amount of funding, measured as a percentage of GDP, in six countries’ stimulus plans (Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Norway and Poland). The country allocating the highest percentage of stimulus funding to R&D, measured as a percentage of annual GDP, was Sweden at 0.29% of GDP, or SEK 9 billion ($1.4 billion), followed by Australia at 0.25% of GDP, or AUD 2.9 billion. Australia, Germany, Portugal and the US allocated the highest percentage to education.

Source: OECD

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