R&D Without ARRA Funding

According to recent figures from the NSF, funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) (see IBO 2/28/09) contributed an additional $17.4 billion in constant fiscal 2005 dollars to federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant (facilities and fixed equipment) funding in fiscal year (FY) 2009 and FY10 combined. This accounted for 7% of total R&D and R&D plant obligations, based on preliminary FY10 figures.

ARRA funds prevented total obligations for R&D and R&D plant funding from declining 2.9% in FY09 and dropping 4.8% in FY10. Because there were no ARRA funds for FY11, total obligations for R&D and R&D plant are projected to have fallen 8.5% year over year, with research obligations, excluding development and R&D plant, expected to have declined 8.7%.

In FY09 and FY10 combined, ARRA contributed 44%, 32%, 15% and 9% to basic research, applied research, R&D plant and development federal funding obligations, respectively. Consequently, ARRA accounted for 13%, 10%, 37% and 1% of total obligations for basic research, applied research, R&D plant and development for those years, respectively.

For research, excluding development and R&D plant, ARRA made up 11% of total obligations in FY09 and FY10 combined. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funded the largest amount of ARRA research obligations, at 73%. The NSF, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Defense (DOD) funded 13%, 10% and less than 1%, respectively. In FY11, without ARRA, HHS, DOE and DOD research obligations are estimated to have decreased 13.4%, 3.0% and 9.0%, respectively. However, NSF research obligations are expected to have grown 6.9%.

In current dollars, ARRA funding for R&D, excluding R&D plant, comprised 6% of obligations in FY09 and FY10 combined (see pie chart). In FY11, funding for all performers is expected to have decreased. Nonprofits’ obligations are estimated to have fallen the most, 13.5%, in FY11. Obligations for industry, universities, FFRDCs and intramural agencies are projected to have declined 9.0%, 7.8%, 4.8% and 0.2%, respectively.

Federal Obligations for R&D and R&D Plant in FY05 Dollars

FY09 ($M) FY10 % Chg.(Prelim.) FY11 % Chg.(Proj.)

Basic Research $29,773 -3.2% -7.4%

ARRA $4,633 -37.1% -100.0%

Applied Research $27,919 6.9% -10.0%

ARRA $2,364 34.3% -100.0%

Development $63,063 1.4% -6.5%

ARRA $894 -13.0% -100.0%

R&D Plant $3,304 10.7% -40.5%

ARRA $1,239 9.1% -100.0%

Pie Chart: FY09 and FY10 ARRA Obligations for R&D by Performer (Current Dollars)

Univ. & Coll. 55%

Intra. Agen. 16%

Nonprofits 12%

Industry 10%

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