Last week, the Singapore government released the terms of its federal budget, with a total expenditure of $75.1 billion allocated for 2017, or 18% of the country’s GDP, a 5.2% increase. In regards to science and technology, the government continued to emphasize the importance of innovation. The budget for the Ministry of Trade and Industry has dropped, declining 3.1% to $3.70 billion. Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), part of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is the country’s program dedicated to the advancement of science and innovative technology. According to budget documents, the Agency, which plays a vital role in the establishment and development of research infrastructures in the country, will expand its reach to support 400 companies over the next four years, as well as provide accessibility and training materials for small companies interested in prototyping beginning September 2017. But the Agency’s allocation is $1.23 billion, a 15.8% decrease. For both operating expenditure as well as the category of “grants, subventions and capital injections to organizations,” A*STAR will receive $48.52 million each, with the rest of the budget going towards development expenditure.
Source: Singapore Government—Budget 2017