
A total of 43 university projects have been recommended to receive SEK 5,270 million ($661 million) in special funding from 2009 to 2012. The grants will be managed by one of four agencies: the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Energy Agency, Vinnova or Formas. Grants will total up to SEK 1,315 million per year The funding is the result of a 2008 initiative by Sweden to boost R&D in 20 strategic research areas, including energy, molecular biosciences, stem cells and regenerative medicine, nanoscience and nanotechnology, and materials science. Lund University and the Chalmers University of Technology received the highest amount of funding at SEK 715 million and SEK 700 million, respectively. In addition, SEK 748 million has been allocated over five years for university research infrastructure.

Source: Swedish Research Council

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