Tecan Adds to OEM Business
Tecan noted in its press release that the purchase will expand its IVD customer base and provide greater scale for its OEM business. SIAS’s main product line is liquid handling. According to Tecan, SIAS platforms are suited to low- to medium-throughput applications.
Mannedorf, Switzerland 10/28/15—Lab instrument company Tecan has agreed to acquire Swiss firm SIAS, an OEM supplier of lab automation solutions with 80 employees. The transaction is valued at one times SIAS’s expected fiscal 2015 sales of CHF 25 million ($26 million = CHF 0.98 = $1). SIAS will join Tecan’s Partnering Business. “SIAS will add further scale to our leading Partnering Business and provides access to complementary automation platforms, which are particularly well suited as the basis for small to mid-size OEM systems for diagnostic as well as research applications,” stated Tecan CEO Dr. David Martyr. “SIAS’s core expertise in automating immunoassays and molecular diagnostics workflows as well as their strong client base in China perfectly match with our corporate strategy,” said Dr. Achim von Leoprechting, head of Tecan’s Partnering Business.