BUCHI extends NIR offering with NeoSpectra handhelds

BUCHI will start selling the handheld NIR solution NeoSpectra from Si-Ware Systems in selected markets at the beginning of July 2024. The two companies are aiming for a strategic collaboration in the field of NIR spectroscopy.

BUCHI is dedicated to continually expand its NIR spectroscopy product range, striving to offer customers innovative and efficient solutions across various application areas.

From July 2024, BUCHI will distribute NeoSpectra, the innovative handheld NIR platform from Si-Ware Systems, in Brazil, the USA, France and Spain. This includes a handheld NIR scanner and a cloud-based software platform. This solution will expand BUCHI’s NIR product portfolio and complement the range for mobile use.

Si-Ware Systems, specialized in material sensing using advanced hardware and AI based SaaS platform, leverages BUCHI’s distribution network and expertise for marketing its NIR solution.

For further information on the Si-Ware solution please visit Si-Ware website.

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