New Firmware for all PTWS x20 Instruments

A new extensive firmware update (version 2.0) for all PTWS x20 tablet dissolution testing instruments which includes the PTWS 120D, PTWS 120S, PTWS 820D, PTWS 620, PTWS 1220 and the PTWS D620 is now available. All new instruments will be delivered with this firmware version 2.0 from now on. The update is also available free of charge for all existing owners of PTWS x20 dissolution testers.

The new version includes the following improvements and features:

  • Introduction of the “Easy Mode” (new feature)
  • Improved water bath heat up time down to as low as 20 minutes (actual time depending on instrument model) including new heater safety sensor management
  • ITM temperature reading before the start of a new test to check individual vessel temperatures (new feature)
  • Improved WinDiss ARGUS connection with the dissolution testers – the PTWS x20 is now locked from user access while it is being controlled by the WinDiss ARGUS software
  • Improved lift control management for all large instruments (PTWS 620, 1220 and D620)
  • New service screen for trouble shooting purposes – useful to check every single sensor in the instrument individually (new feature)
  • Enlarged printout data especially for manual sampling as the timepoint of manual withdrawl is logged on the print-out
  • User confirmation that a manual sample has been taken (new feature)
  • New aTM type – it is now possible to open and close the automated tablet magazine from the instrument menu
  • Several animated display features for a better overview of active positions
  • Several smaller bugfixes

New “Easy Mode” Feature

The new Easy Mode feature is especially relevant for manual instruments like the PTWS 120D. No login or user rights are required to use the new Easy Mode. This new mode is reduced to the bare minimum of necessary entries: simply set a rotation speed between 20 to 250 rpm and to start the heating of the water bath a target temperature from 25.0 °C up to 45 °C. The lift can be driven up and down by pressing the corresponding buttons. The stirring rotation can be started at any time and a timer starts to run, no matter which position the lift head is currently. The possible range of the lift head movement in this mode is from the upper reference position and to the USP 1+2 working position. The option to use the Easy Mode can be activated by the administrator in the setup menu of the PTWS instrument.

To install the update, simply copy the files to the instrument’s SD card. No need to use any programmer or other tools like that. The update files and more thorough documentation are available from Pharma Test support: [email protected] Be sure to include your instrument model and serial number in your message!

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