SimuGen Launches its Flagship Software, HT-Stream, as a Drug Discovery Toxicogenomics Tool

London (UK) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) – SimuGen, a venture-backed pharmacogenomics company focused on predicting human toxicity early on in drug discovery, announced today that it has launched its flagship drug discovery toxicogenomics software product HT-Stream ( HT-Stream is an online high throughput screening software tool for analysing complex in vitro data.

Dr Brian O’Keeffe, CEO of SimuGen, commented, “This represents a major milestone in the life of

SimuGen. Based on sound computational biology principles and driven by highly sensitive and robust

mathematical modelling, HT-Stream is poised to add a whole new dimension to early stage, high

throughput safety testing of discovery molecules. The software is easy to use and the whole technology highly scalable. Data-rich decision-making is the key to the future of drug discovery and development at all stages, not least the assessment of toxicity. SimuGen, through the launch of our new HT-Stream software, brings this new data dimension right into the laboratories of all companies involved in the delivery of new, affordable and safer medicines to patients”.

In conclusion Dr O’Keeffe remarked. “Perhaps the real longer-term added value of SimuGen’s

technology, lies in its wider applications in areas such as High Content Screening (HCS), mitochondrial

toxicity and the effects of metabolites on cellular function under duress, to name a few. SimuGen

intends to collaborate intensively with the industry to ensure that the technology lives up to its

incredible potential and meets the real needs of our customers”.

Adds Dr Quin Wills, CSO, “For too long we have been caught in the ‘big data’ bubble of omics and

high content technologies, only focused on information delivery rather than decision making. HTStream

helps scientists to use and develop in vitro models that explicitly prioritise their options by

utilising prior knowledge, statistical confidence, and result ranking. HT-Stream can be a tool simply to

monitor your favourite genes and proteins with great software containing inbuilt data quality control,

report generation and collaborative features. Advanced users can set up full screening programmes

designed around their own rules-based models. HT-Stream also possesses a growing library of inbuilt

toxicity assessment models beginning with liver toxicities such as fatty liver, zone 3 liver necrosis and

carcinogenesis to name a few.”

About SimuGen

SimuGen is a venture-backed pharmacogenomics company focused on predicting human toxicity early

on in drug discovery. The company combines traditional, genomic and high content in vitro screening to

produce high throughput screens for use alongside other early ADME testing. SimuGen’s flagship

product, HT-Stream, is online high throughput screening software for analysing complex in vitro data.

More information on SimuGen and HT-Stream can be found on: and

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