LGC’s new acquisition broadens company’s presence in food and environmental markets
Dietary supplement company agrees to perform authentication and adulteration tests of products
It was a challenging year for many publicly held contract testing lab companies, which provide a variety of analytical testing as well as other services across a range of industries. With networks of labs worldwide and extensive testing capabilities, such companies are major customers for analytical instrumentation and lab products. Their acquisition activities, lab expansions […]
State health labs in the US have received government funding to purchase sequencers from companies such as Illumina and Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Life Technologies. Congress aims to equip public health labs in all states with the ability to conduct whole genome sequencing for the detection and study of drug-resistant bacteria by 2018. Each year, antibiotic-resistant […]
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SLAS2025: Lab Automation and More
January 23, 2025 4:00 pm
LAUDA: Temperature Control Innovation
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Perseverance Forecasted for the Pharmaceutical Market for Analytical and Scientific Instrumentation
October 24, 2024 5:17 pm
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