R&D expenditures by 2,500 companies continue to increase despite sales decline
It was a challenging year for many publicly held contract testing lab companies, which provide a variety of analytical testing as well as other services across a range of industries. With networks of labs worldwide and extensive testing capabilities, such companies are major customers for analytical instrumentation and lab products. Their acquisition activities, lab expansions […]
In 2015, spending on cancer medicines reached $107 billion, an 11.5% increase in constant dollars. Globally, over 500 companies are focusing on oncology development, with 511 companies pursuing a Late Phase active pipeline and 379 firms with drugs in Phase II development. Of the 511 companies, oncology drug development made up 49% of collective R&D. […]
By 2020, the Chinese pharmaceutical market is projected to be valued at $120 billion, although the lack of R&D in the industry is currently holding back further growth and innovation. This is due largely in part to slow regulatory and review processes that can delay drug approvals for up to eight years. The China Food […]
In 2015, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) members invested an estimated $58.8 billion into biopharmaceutical R&D, a 10.3% increase from 2014. Last year, domestic R&D costs were 25% of domestic sales, an 8.8% increase to $40.5 billion, while total R&D costs were 20% of total sales, a 6.5% increase to $52.8 billion. In […]
A report examining 56 countries’ contributions to the global biopharmaceutical sector based on their respective national policies was released this month. It found that the US, Switzerland and Taiwan are the top three countries whose innovations in life sciences are helping grow the biopharma industry, while India, South Africa and Thailand have policies that are […]
IBO’s first report of 2016 for new laboratories outlines the construction and opening of labs in various sectors, including government, academia and biotechnology. On page 4, a table detailing the establishment of selected labs can be found, including new labs in the pharmaceutical industry. Government Various countries in Asia have broken ground on or approved […]
Currency fluctuations and economic turbulence not only produced a shift among IBO’s 2015 list of the top 30 analytical and life science instrument, aftermarket and lab product companies, but also yielded a calendar year sales decline when translated into US dollars. Total sales for the top 30 companies (see page 6) as reported in US […]
In 2015, there were 61 IPOs across western stock exchanges, down from 87 in 2014, with companies raising $4.68 billion, compared to $6.3 billion in 2014. Total US and EU venture capital (VC) funding grew 34.4% and 46.4% to $7.04 billion and $2.02 billion, respectively, although the number of rounds for each region declined. To […]
Western blotting, also known as immunoblotting, is a technique for detecting proteins. Used since the 1970s, it has become an industry standard for protein detection and characterization. It allows researchers to verify the expression of a specific protein, determine the relative amount of protein present and analyze protein-protein interaction. Western blotting relies on a handful […]
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