The annual JP Morgan Healthcare conference held in early January is a major investor conference for health care companies, including instrument and lab-product companies. Several such companies presented business and strategy updates at the conference, highlighting their successes of the past year and plans for 2015. The information in this article is based on online […]
A new forensics technique, DNA phenotyping, is being employed to assist in creating suspects’ picture profiles, using SNPs associated with differences in appearance. The technique is still in development, and additional research is needed to resolve traits such as facial shape and, with epigenetic information, a suspect’s age. Eye color and hair color can be […]
In his fiscal 2016 budget, US President Barack Obama has proposed $215 million to fund the Precision Medicine Initiative. Of the total, $130 million would be for the NIH to gather at least one million volunteer research participants. The National Cancer Institute would receive $70 million to increase its efforts to discover genetic determinants of […]
In 2014, investment in clean energy totaled $310 billion, an increase of 16%, despite the fall in oil prices. Investment in R&D by governments and corporations totaled $14 billion and $15 billion, respectively. Investment in solar- and wind-energy rose 25% and 11% to $149.6 billion and $99.5 billion, respectively. Investment in “energy smart technologies,” such […]
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