ABRF 2017

In the March 31, 2017 issue of IBO, we reviewed our visit to the annual Association for Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) meeting (see IBO 3/31/17). In the article, we detailed the ABRF Genomics Research Group’s study of five single-cell (sc) RNA-Seq techniques.  John Ashton, PhD, a Group member; Research Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology; Associate Director, Genomics Research Center; and Co-Director, Pathway Discovery Resource (High-Throughput Screening Facility), at the James P. Wilmot Cancer Institute, University of Rochester, provided IBO with a statement regarding the study. “Although each of the evaluated scRNA-seq platforms is capable of accurately identifying the treatments groups (vehicle vs. TSA [two different preparations of the samples]), the extent to which the groups are delineated is variable. Importantly, we observed a low degree of correlation between the ‘biomarker genes’ identified across each platform, where only a handful of genes were cross-platform validated. These data suggest further efforts to understand these variable results is imperative to develop methods that can account for these differences allowing for comparison of results across platforms.”

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