Cellular Analysis

Company Announcements

Fluxion Biosciences announced exclusive distribution agreements with IUL Instruments GmbH for Germany and Austria, and with EuroClone for Italy, Spain, Portugal and countries in Eastern Europe and Northern Africa.

PerkinElmer announced a collaboration with IDBS for the integration of their respective Columbus image data-management system for high-content screening (HCS) and AcitvityBase XE screening data-management software.

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center awarded RainDance Technologies and Dr. David Weitz of Harvard University a grant of $250,000 per year for three years to develop a new form of fluorescence-activated cell sorter to collect biochemical information about individual cells.

VistaGen and Capsant signed a strategic commercialization agreement to combine their respective stem cell differentiation and OrganDot3D cell culture technologies to create the “Clinical Trials in a Test Tube” platform.

Nanion Technologies GmbH opened a US office in North Brunswick, New Jersey, in February.

In April, Cell Biosciences announced the closing of a $10 million Series C financing led by its largest shareholder, the Wellcome Trust.

Product Introductions

Applied Precision introduced the DeltaVision|OMX microscopy system, which uses 3D-SIM true structured illumination technology to overcome spatial resolution limits. The technology is licensed from the University of California, San Francisco.

PerkinElmer launched the compact Operetta HCS/high content analysis system, utilizing Harmony software.

Genedata released the High Content Analyzer, an addition to the Genedata Screener enterprise solution for HCS data analysis.

Leica Microsystems introduced the Leica LMD7000 microdissection system, featuring a power-adjustable high-precision laser.

NanoTherics launched the magnefect-nano system for gene transfection, utilizing an oscillating magnet array for improved speed and efficiency and high cell viability.

Invitrogen released the benchtop Neon Transfection Device, for simplified transfection, especially suitable for gene and siRNA delivery into stem cells.

Roche Applied Science introduced the xCELLigence RTCA DP (Dual Plate) Instrument for low-throughput research assays, which uses up to three 16-well plates for simultaneous experiments.

Cell Biosciences launched the CB1000 protein analysis system for the measurement of phosphorylation events and other protein post-translational modifications using capillary-based nanofluidic immunoassays.

MDS Analytical Technologies released the ArcturusXT Live Cell Application Module for microdissection.

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