Announced last month, India’s 2014 budget for the country’s Ministry of Science and Technology is set to increase, including both plan and non-plan items (see IBO 8/31/09). Within the Ministry, the budget for the Department of Science and Technology would rise 24.9% to INR 3184.27 crore ($590.4 million). By budget line, the budget for Autonomous Institutions & Profession Bodies would grow 3.6% to INR 725.50 crore and the Science and Engineering Research Board’s budget would increase 33.8% to INR 534.00 crore, but the Science and Research Council’ funding would fall 24.6% to INR 226.19 crore. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research would receive a 20.8% increase in its budget to INR 3571.00 crore, with the National Laboratories’ budget and assistance to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research rising 12.2% and 18.4% to INR 2,247 crore and INR 3445.50 crore, respectively. The budget for the Department of Biotechnology is set to rise 14.2% to INR 1502.06 crore as the budget for Autonomous R&D Institutions would increase 16.6% to NIR 504.00 crore.
Source: Indian Ministry of Finance