
Company Announcements

Microsoft announced that it is no longer selling Rosetta Biosoftware’s Rosetta Resolver, Syllego and Elucidator software (see IBO 6/15/09). These products’ capabilities will be integrated into its Amalga Life Sciences platform.

Microsoft named Les Jordan, technology strategist for the Life Sciences Industry Unit, director of the BioIT Alliance in June. The formation of a BioIT Alliance Board of Directors was also announced. Members include Becky Kush, CEO of CDISC, and Dave Champagne, vice president and general manger of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Certara, the company formed by the acquisition of Pharsight by Tripos (see IBO 9/15/08), named Tri-I Biotech its exclusive distributor in China and Taiwan.

In July, Accelrys named Todd Johnson, former interim president and CEO, senior vice president of Marketing and Operations on a part-time basis.

Following the closure of LabVantage’s purchase of Life Technologies’ SQL*LIMS business (see IBO 6/30/09) in August, Pat Pijanowski, former general manager of SQL*LIMS, joined LabVantage as COO.

Persistent Systems stated that it took over complete ownership of the ChemLMS LIMS from Agilent in 2008.

Product Introductions

Qlucore introduced Qlucore Omics Explorer 2.0 data analysis software, featuring added support for hierarchical clustering, scatter plots and powerful log functions.

In July, CambridgeSoft released ChemBioOffice 2010, a chemistry and biology desktop software suite. New additions include STATISTICA from StatSoft.

Media Cybernetics introduced Image-Pro Plus 7.0 image processing and analysis software package, featuring new surface analysis tools and the option to acquire live focused and tiled images.

Simulations Plus launched ADMET Predictor 4.0 for the prediction of properties of new molecules from their structure, featuring 15 new predicted properties.

Kapelan Bio-Imaging released LabImage 1D gel analysis software for MAC OS X.

In August, CambridgeSoft and Imaginatik launched ChemBioConnect for collaborative problem solving that combines their respective chemically intelligent visual toolsets and idea-management platform. ChemBioConnect is sold by Imaginatik with support from CambridgeSoft.

In August, Persistent Systems launched DriverCentral .net, an independent, one-stop portal for analytical instrument driver purchase and self-support.

Agilent announced a collaboration with Persistent Systems, for which it will provide documentation on its RC.NET technology, and joined

Tripos introduced the Benchware Pantheon cheminformatics software, featuring the combination of a chemically aware spreadsheet and “grid view,” with 3D molecular visualization.

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