
In 2009, Israel’s expenditure on civilian R&D, at current prices, declined 1.6% to NIS 32.8 billion ($8.6 billion), to account for 4.3% of GDP. Businesses spending amounted to 79% of the national expenditure on R&D and fell 2.6%, at constant prices, after a 2.5% increase in 2008. This reflects a spending decrease of 8.5% at R&D companies, including startup companies, technological incubators and research institutes. The remainder was R&D expenditure at universities (13%), in the general government (5%) and in other nonprofit institutions (5%). Expenditure on R&D in development centers of multinational companies amounted to NIS 10.5 billion in 2008. R&D in the government sector grew 3.5% in 2009, after a constant decrease from 2005 to 2008. R&D in higher education institutions and private nonprofit organizations increased by 1.7% after a decrease of 0.5% in 2008 and by 3.9% after an 2.3% increase in 2008, respectively. Government ministries’ expenditure on civilian R&D rose 9.8% to NIS 4.9 billion in 2009. The Ministry of Industry Trade and Labor, constituted 56% of the expenditure of ministries on R&D, excluding General University Funds (GUF), and increased its expenditure by 25% after an 18% increase in 2008. Grants for the advancement of research, which are financed by GUF, accounted for 45% of ministries’ civilian R&D expenditures and grew 25% after an 18% increase in 2008. Expenditures for industrial technology advancement accounted for 40%.

Source: Central Bureau of Statistics

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