Laboratory Products

Company Announcements

Thermo Fisher Scientific will add 104 jobs over three years to its Asheville, North Carolina facility, which manufactures cold-storage equipment, centrifuges and ovens.

Gerresheimer’s Life Science Research reported 2009 sales declined 5.8% to €87.4 million ($121.4 million), and fell 11.9% excluding currency effects, to make up 9% of revenue. Adjusted EBITDA fell 27.4% to €8.2 million ($11.4 million).

Gerresheimer CEO Dr. Axel Herberg will leave the company in June and be replaced by Uwe Röhrhoff, a member of the management board.

Kewaunee Scientific plans a 32,000-square-foot addition to one of its three manufacturing plants in Statesville, North Carolina.

In February, SP Industries adopted a new trading name, SP Scientific, for its VirTis, Genevac, FTS Systems and Hotpack brands.

SP Industries expanded its German distribution network, appointing Labor und Analysen Technik GmbH to cover the North of Germany and Zefa Laborservice GmbH to cover Southern Germany for sales of Genevac, FTS and Virtis products.

Product Introductions

Gilson released the fully motorized Pipetman M family of pipettes. Four models cover the range of 0.5–1000 µL.

Esco launched the CelCulture CO2 incubators, featuring a two-year warranty.

Capsugel launched the Xcelolab powder dispenser for the dispensing of any type of powder in weights of 100 µg up to 230 g.

Next Advance released the Bullet Blender Blue 5, which can simultaneously homogenize 12 samples of up to 1 g in size in five minutes or less.

Siemens Water Technologies introduced the LaboStar and LaboStar TWF compact deionization water purification systems for producing ASTM Type I water.

Siemens Water Technologies launched the Liquipure CX replacement continuous electrodeionization module for ASTM Type II water quality, which is designed to be a replacement module for Millipore’s Elix water purification system.

Millipore introduced the compact Milli-Q Direct Lab Water Purification System, an economical single-source solution for producing pure and ultrapure water from tap.

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments launched the TW series of top-loading electronic balances, which adds internal calibration and expands the range of its TX balances up to 420 g capacity and up to 4,200 g capacity.

Kett introduced the dual temperature–controlled FD800 moisture balance, featuring seven measurement modes.

Proton Energy Systems released an analytical–lab product line of hydrogen, nitrogen and zero air generators.

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