Materials Characterization
Company Announcements
In 2007, Biolin AB acquired UK-based Nima Technology, a provider of Langmuir Blodgett instruments for the analysis of monolayers and of tensiometers.
Brightwell Scientific announced in November 2007 that Benelux Scientific will distribute its Micro Flow Imaging particle analysis products in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
On January 1, Setaram began exclusively distributing MicroCal’s ultrasenstive calorimeters in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey and the countries of Eastern Europe up to the Baltic States.
MTS Systems promoted President and COO Laura B. Hamilton to CEO in December 2007.
In January, Wyatt Technologies filed suit against Spectris, alleging infringement of its software and other materials by Malvern Instruments, a Spectris company, and false advertising. Wyatt seeks $25 million in damages.
Systag System Technik AG named Glass Precision Engineering as a UK representative.
Atago India opened an office in New Delhi.
Netzsch Group’s 2007 sales for its Analyzing & Testing Business Unit totaled €40 million ($54.8 million), or 16% of total revenues. Total company sales increased 17%.
Product Introductions
Cambridge Viscosity launched the VISCOlab 5000 micro-sample viscometer, requiring only 75 µl of sample.
Anasys Instruments introduced the VETA stand-alone solution for localized thermal analysis measurements at the micron scale.
Mettler-Toledo released iControl RC1e, a new software interface for automated lab reactors and reaction calorimeters, which enables integration with the company’s in situ analytics platforms.
Micromeritics introduced the ASAP 2050 Xtended Pressure Sorption Analyzer, featuring a pressure transducer for operating from vacuum to 10 atm.
Grabner Instruments launched the MINIVIS 445 portable microviscometer, which combines a falling ball viscometer with an advanced density meter.
Kernco Instruments released the compact R2-i3000 digital lab refractometer.
LECO introduced the AC600 semiautomatic isoperibol calorimeter for increased throughput.
Instron released the 1000HDX universal testing machine, designed for testing materials for the metal, fastener and construction markets.
BYK-Gardner introduced the BYK-mac for flake characterization and multiangle color measurement.
In February, Beckman Coulter announced it is shipping its DelsaNano Series (see IBO 3/15/07), consisting of the DelsaNano S for particle size analysis and the DelsaNano C for size and zeta potential measurement.