Company Announcements

Protea named new distributors: Yair Technologies for Israel, BioAnalytic for Poland, Irida Iberica for Spain and Portugal, and IDL Teknolojik for Turkey.

Bruker announced in October 2012 a collaboration with Nextval for high-throughput screening of drugs and their metabolites using its ultrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF/TOF.

Thermo Fisher Scientific announced a collaboration with Immundiagnostik to develop novel MS-based assays for qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins and peptides for use in research and routine clinical analysis, including the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and bone metabolism disorders.

In October 2012, caprotec bioanalytics named Dr. Jonathan Turner, formerly senior vice president at XL Techgroup, managing director and CEO.

Agilent Technologies and PREMIER Biosoft announced in October the cosupport of their technologies to help clinical researchers advance lipidomics research.

In December 2012, Dr. Robert Gerszten, the director of clinical and translational research at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Institute for Heart, Vascular and Stroke Care, received an Agilent Thought Leader Award, which includes funding for his lab.

New Objective and McKinley Scientific entered into a strategic comarketing collaboration and development agreement in November.

In November 2012, AB SCIEX opened a $3 million science support center in Delhi, India.

Advion named Valtex International a distributor for Russia.

Advion announced that its expression compact MS is now fully integrated with Agilent HPLC systems.

In December 2012, the Laboratory of Biological Mass Spectrometry at Indiana University’s Bloomington campus and Professor David Clemmer joined Waters’s Centers of Innovation Program.

In January, Bruker exclusively licensed from the Erasmus Medical Center a method for rapid testing of beta-lactamase activity using MALDI-TOF technology, which is compatible with its MALDI Biotyper system.

Product Introductions

AB SCIEX released LibraryView Software, which can screen hundreds of samples for hundreds of potential contaminants and residues using customized compound libraries uniquely associated with different methods.

Bruker introduced in October 2012 the PesticideScreener solution, which includes the maXis impact QTOF MS and a database of over 700 target pesticides.

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduced in November the third-generation Thermo Scientific EQuan MAX Plus LC/MS system for water and beverage analysis. New features include the Dionex Ultimate 3000 UHPLC pumps and three MS options.

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