Company Announcements

SCIEX announced in June that it will work with the Francis Crick Institute and the University of Cambridge to build a metabolism-centric proteomic map. The work will use SCIEX’s micro-flow chromatography and SWATH acquisition for large-scale proteome analysis.

The US FDA issued an alert on September 1 notifying health care professionals of a software defect in the SCIEX API 3200 LC/MS/MS System, 3200MD QTRAP LC/MS/MS System, triple quad 4500 LC/MS/MS System and QTRAP 4500 LC/MS/MS System used with Analyst Software 1.6.1 and 1.6.2, and MultiQuant Software Versions 3.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.2. The defect may cause the systems to incorrectly assign results to samples analyzed. SCIEX notified the FDA of the issue, and sent Urgent Medical Device Correction Letters and issued two voluntary recalls of the system for clinical use.

In September, SCIEX and CW Analytical announced a collaboration to develop validated standardized methods to measure pesticides and cannabinoids in cannabis and cannabis-related products using LC-MS/MS.

PerkinElmer confirmed to IBO that it acquired Ionics, a provider of triple quadrupole MS systems, in late 2015. The company stated that Ionics’ MS capabilities expand and strengthen its environmental monitoring solutions offerings.

In August, Waters announced Dr. Sunghwan Kim of the Department of Chemistry at South Korea’s Kyungpook National University joined its Waters Centers of Innovation Program. He studies the impact of PAHs for crude oil processing and on the environment.

Bruker announced in September that is has extended its license with 3M for a technique for using MALDI imaging (see IBO 6/30/13) to include routine, as well as research, applications.


Product Introductions

In July, bioMérieux launched a CE-marked database and reagent kits for the identification of Nocardia and molds using its VITEK MALDI-TOF MS system. The database includes the addition of 297 new species.

BioVendor Instruments introduced in July the MALDI COLONYST robot for colony picking and complete MALDI target preparation for microbial identification.

In August, MassTech launched the SubAP/MALDI(ng) ion source for MS imaging applications. It features high spatial resolution.

Waters introduced in August the iKey HT 300 um i.d. microfluidic device, packed with 1.7 µu or 1.8 µm UPLC particles.

In August, Waters introduced the RapiFluor-MS Glycan GU Scientific Library, created with researchers at Ireland’s National Institute for Bioprocessing Research, which enables automated data analysis of N-linked glycans using the Glycan Application Solution with UNIFI.

In September, Waters introduced the SONAR data acquisition mode for its Xevo G2-XS QTOF-MS for MS/MS data from data-independent acquisition. It allows for the quantification and identification of lipids, metabolites and proteins in complex samples from a single injection without additional method development normally associated with MS/MS analysis.

Bruker launched in August the solariX 2XR FTMS with mass resolving powers in the range of 1­–10 million. It uses a 7 T magnet.

Bruker released in August MetaboScape 2.0, an integrated solution for nontargeted metabolomics that links impact II LC-QTOF-MS/MS data to the underlying biology based on metabolic pathway mapping.

In September, 908 Devices announced improvements to its M908 handheld High-Pressure Mass Spectrometer, including an enhanced user interface, new workflows and new sampling accessories.

Genedata released in September Expressionist 10.5. New features include the application of multi-attribute methods for the characterization of biotherapeutics.

Microsaic announced in September that Chairman Colin Nicholl will retire from the Board in January 2017.


Sales/Orders of Note

Advion announced in September the shipment of its 500th Compact Mass Spec system during the third quarter. Nearly 200 units are expected to ship in 2016. This year, demand reached 40­­–50 systems per quarter. The company signed a major OEM agreement last year that should result in additional demand of 30­–40 units per year, starting in October.

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