Company Announcements

Thermo Fisher Scientific announced in June the registration of its San Jose, California, facility with the FDA as a medical-device establishment as part of its initiative to develop Class 1 MS-based instruments for the clinical market.

Waters announced that Omics’s PetroOrg Petroleomics Software is now available for the SYNAPT G2-Si MS.

Waters gained exclusive rights to Prosolia’s DESI (desorption ESI) technology for clinical-research applications for use with its TOF MS systems.

Shimadzu announced a collaboration with the MacCoss Lab of Biological Mass Spectrometry at the University of Washington, enabling mutual support between the Skyline quantitative proteomics software and Shimadzu’s triple-quadrupole LC/MS/MS platform. Skyline is used to design, refine and optimize SRM/MRM and Full Scan MS and MS/MS quantitative methods.

Shimadzu and software firm Indigo Biosystems partnered to develop and market MS solutions for clinical research, forensic toxicology and drug development.

Agilent Technologies’ MS and LC systems now support PREMIER Biosoft’s SimGlycan software.

Product Introductions

Agilent Technologies announced in June that all of its LC/MS instruments now include support software for control of SFC/MS.

Bruker introduced the ToxScreener forensic-toxicology solution for its QTOF systems. It incorporates broadband collision-induced dissociation acquisition.

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduced the Thermo Scientific PepFinder 1.0 software to peptide-mapping data analysis. It is based on Mass Analyzer software licensed from Amgen.

Thermo Fisher Scientific debuted a high-resolution accurate mass-spectral library, containing 30,000 MS/MS spectra for 2,000 compounds.

Waters expanded in June its ionKey/MS System to the SYNAPT G2-S, SYNAPT G2-Si, Xeno G2-S QTof and Xevo G2-XS QTof MS systems and the release of new ionKey chemistries, HSS (high-strength silica) T3 and BEH C4 1.7 µm particles in 5 cm and 10 cm path lengths.

Waters released Progenesis QI for proteomics 2.0. New features include Pathway Analysis and QC Metrics.

Excellims introduced the MA3100 ion mobility pre-separator for MS, designed for integration with Thermo Fisher Scientific MS systems. It can be added to a system with no hardware modifications or break in vacuum.

Owlstone launched the UltraFAIMS (field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry) series of MS accessories including the UltraFAIMS ion filter with a miniature FAIMS chip. Products are compatible with select Agilent Technologies and Thermo Fisher Scientific systems. A developer kit is also available for off-the-shelf interface.

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