CLC, which has around 100 employees and over 2,300 customers, expects revenues of $8–$10 million in 2013, according to QIAGEN. CLC provides software for processing raw sequencing data, sequence assembly and variant calling. It complements Ingenuity’s software for genomic annotation and interpretation, which QIAGEN acquired earlier this year (see IBO 4/30/13).

Venlo, The Netherlands 10/29/13—QIAGEN has announced the purchase of bioinformatics company CLC bio, which specializes in next generation sequencing (NGS), for an undisclosed amount. CLC bio’s products include the CLC Genomics Workbench for analyzing, comparing and visualizing NGS data and the CLC Genomics Service, an enterprise-level infrastructure and analysis backbone for NGS data analysis. “The acquisition of CLC bio, which offers leading bioinformatics analysis software, reaffirms our strategic decision to become a leader in next generation bioinformatics, with a focus on biological analysis and interpretation/reporting,” stated QIAGEN CEO Peer M. Schatz. The acquisition is not expected to have a material impact on 2013 financial results

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