Sartorius Buys Second Instrument Maker
Goettingen, Germany 7/15/16; Broomfield, CO 7/15/16—Sartorius, a supplier of pharmaceutical and lab equipment, has acquired ViroCyt for $16 million. ViroCyt provides automated platforms for virus counting. In 2016, ViroCyt’s sales are expected to grow double digits to more than $3 million, with break even underlying EBITDA anticipated by the end of 2018. “After acquiring the cell screening specialist IntelliCyte [see IBO 6/30/16], we are now adding a further very innovative bioanalytical tool to our Lab Products & Services portfolio that will enable our customers to obtain lab results much faster and reduce the time to clinic for virus-based pharmaceuticals,” commented Michael Melingo, Sartorius Group Executive Committee member.
ViroCyt’s products include the flow cytometry–based Virus Counter 3100 virus quantification system, which uses protein and DNA detection to measure total virus particle concentration. Advantages include speed and full automation. The Virotag reagents provide an antibody-based test for the virus of interest.