
Overall R&D investment by Spain was 1.03% of GDP—roughly half the EU-15 average—in 2005. Some members of the government believe the poor R&D investment is due in part to a lack of Spanish registered patents. To overcome this barrier, a program to stimulate patent registration, which aims to increase the number of European patents registered in Spain from 14.3 per million inhabitants in 2003 to 150 per million by 2015, will be included in a three-year R&D plan beginning in 2008. The plan is a part of Ingenio 2010, a government program instituted in 2005 that seeks to boost public support of R&D by 25% a year until 2010 and lift overall R&D investment to 2% of GDP by 2010. In 2007’s budget, €6.5 billion ($8.7 billion) was earmarked for nonmilitary research, a 35% increase over 2006. Ingenio 2010 plans to use incentives and other means to increase private sector R&D investment from 46% of total R&D spending in 2005 to 55% by 2010. Three areas of emphasis for investment are biotechnology, healthcare and nanotechnology.

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