VWR Builds Upon Biochemicals Business

NBC has 35 employees, according to a VWR spokesperson. She told IBO that the purchase “enhances VWR’s self-manufactured production chemical portfolio by adding carbohydrates and a range of multicompendial chemicals, ultimately providing VWR improved access to the high-growth biochemical industry.”

Radnor, PA 2/3/15—Lab-products, -services and -solutions provider VWR has acquired National Biochemicals (NBC) for an undisclosed amount. NBC is a full-service raw-material manufacturer and supplier to the biochemical industry. Based in Ohio, it supplies molecular biology reagents, multicompendial chemicals, and biotechnology and diagnostic biochemicals. “We continue to make targeted, strategic investments that give VWR access to the high-growth biochemical industry, allowing us to more effectively leverage our infrastructure, and to provide enhanced solutions for our customers,” stated VWR President and CEO Manuel Brocke-Benz.

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