DNASTAR Releases Lasergene 17.6 Software
Madison, WI — DNASTAR® announced today the release of Lasergene® 17.6, which includes significant new functionality for protein analysis, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis, and differential gene expression workflows. The new version of Lasergene also incorporates several updates to the sequence editing and sequence assembly applications offered by DNASTAR.
One of the key updates in this release is the addition of a new workflow in Protean 3D for predicting the structure of multimeric assemblies using the AlphaFold-Multimer method. Protean 3D also now uses an updated rendering engine that allows the application to run natively on macOS and provides stunning, nearly photo-realistic images for protein structures and complexes.
The popular MegAlign Pro application now has a new gene homology alignment algorithm that enables users to easily identify and compare subsets of homologous genes in bacterial genomes or eukaryotic chromosomes. RAxML-NG is also now available for fast and accurate Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic inference and bootstrapping calculations.
NGS users of Lasergene will find the addition of auto-generated PCA plots and Volcano plots for differential gene expression using EdgeR or DESeq2 for RNA-Seq alignments very useful. The new version also includes updated human genome template packages.
A full list of enhancements and updates can be found in the Lasergene 17.6 release notes.
Matt Keyser, Senior Product Manager at DNASTAR, stated, “We take great pride in being responsive to the market and our customers, and the features in this release are a testament to that commitment. We are thrilled to provide many of the features and functionalities that our customers have requested which are in line with changes in the broader market.”
DNASTAR, Inc. is a global bioinformatics software company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin USA that has been pioneering innovative software solutions since 1984. DNASTAR Lasergene supports molecular biologists, geneticists, and structural biologists in meeting virtually all their DNA, RNA, and protein sequence needs, including Sanger and next-generation sequence assembly and analysis, protein sequence and structure analysis, protein structure prediction, antibody modeling, and protein-protein docking with easy-to-use, affordable, flexible computer software.