JSM-7600F, A New Thermal Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
JEOL Ltd. (Yoshiyasu Harada, President) announced a new model of thermal field emission transmission electron microscopes, JSM-7600F, to be distributed in May 2008.
Background :
High resolution scanning electron microscopes featuring ease of operation are in increasing demand in the field of material development and processing. JEOL’s new FE SEM, JSM-7600F, was developed to meet this growing demand. The microscope integrates a semi in-lens system for high resolution imaging, and an in-lens thermal electron gun, both of which are a culmination of JEOL’s expertise in imaging and analysis. Its new User Interface enables easy navigation through imaging and analyzing procedures. The JSM-7600F is a powerful tool combining high resolution imaging and high speed analysis.
1. In-lens thermal electron gun + Patented aperture angle optimizing lens
JEOL’s proven in-lens thermal electron gun, combined with the aperture angle optimizing lens, achieves a probe current of 200 nA or higher at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, efficiently acquiring high quality data in elemental analysis. Utilizing the beam finely focused at low accelerating voltage and high probe current, the microscope with a latest EDS detector (SDD detector) can rapidly acquire high resolution X-ray mapping data.
2. New r-filter for detection of images optimum for research objectives
The JSM-7600F incorporates a new energy filter, r-filter, designed to vary the mixture rate of secondary electron and backscattered electron images, enhancing the topography or compositional differences of images as needed.
3. High performance under any operating conditions
The JSM-7600F is capable of high resolution high sensitivity analysis under any combination of operating conditions for various samples and research requirements.
Guaranteed resolution at high accelerating voltage: 1.0 nm (30 kV; WD 4.5 mm)
Guaranteed resolution at low accelerating voltage: 1.5 nm (1 kV; WD 1.5 mm)
Guaranteed resolution at high probe current: 3.0 nm (probe current 5 nA, accelerating voltage 15 kV, WD 8 mm)
4. New easy to use operator oriented user interface
The user interface is designed to collectively define, save, and retrieve photographing and imaging conditions to facilitate data acquisition under optimum conditions. It also supports simultaneous acquisition of 4 different types of images, significantly improving throughput. Speedy imaging also reduces beam damage on the sample being viewed.
5. Standard 5 axis motor stage; intuitive specimen movement with track ball
The standard 5 axis motor drive eucentric stage controls sample movement seamlessly throughout the magnification range from 25x to 1,000,000x. Intuitive specimen control by the track ball assures smooth movement of the area of view in high magnification imaging.
6. Versatile specimen chamber for optimum analysis
The specimen chamber accommodates samples up to 200 mm in diameter, and features a complete set of detector ports secondary electron detector, backscattered electron detector, EDS, WDS, EBSD, and cathode luminescence detector, allowing the user to select an arrangement optimum to their analytical objectives.
Guaranteed resolution
1.0 nm (30 kV; WD 4.5 mm)
1.5 nm (1 kV, WD 1.5 mm, GB mode)
Guaranteed resolution at high probe current
3.0 nm (5 nA, 15kV, WD 8 mm)
25x to 1,000,000x
Maximum current
200 nA
Specimen Stage
5 axis eucentric motor stage
Movement range X: 50; Y: 70; Z: 38; T: -5 to 70°; R: 360°
Maximum sample size 200 mm dia.
Electron gun
In-lens thermal field emission gun
Accelerating voltage
0.1 to 30 kV
Digital image display
1,280 x 960
Multi live image display
Up to 4 images in simultaneous display
Evacuation method
JEOL is a world leader in electron optical equipment and instrumentation for high-end scientific and industrial research and development. Core product groups include electron microscopes (SEMs and TEMs), instruments for the semiconductor industry (electron beam lithography and a series of defect review and inspection tools), and analytical instruments including mass spectrometers, NMRs and ESRs.